All posts filed under: Tech Talk

Linear and Radial Gradients

Get inspiration on how to use the new Linear and Radial Gradient Masks. This blog post shows two examples with screenshots of the masks and their adjustments. Include Luma Range to make your masking even more sophisticated.

Capture One tips and tricks

11+1 tips and tricks for Capture One

Following the launch of Capture One 11.1, we have gathered 11+1 tips and tricks you might have missed. Whether you are new to Capture One or have years of experience, make sure you know all these tips! Learn about Auto Levels, Single Pixel Noise reduction and much more.

Why shoot RAW?

Have you ever wondered what benefits shooting RAW will bring to your images? This short blog post will quickly run through the most important differences between RAW and JPG and how you can obtain the highest precision in your editing workflow for the best image quality possible.